We’re thrilled to welcome you to our community of volunteers!

Your willingness to lend your time and talents means so much to us and those we serve. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and bring positive change to our community.

Thank you for choosing to join us on this journey. Your contributions will help us achieve our mission and enrich the lives of many. We look forward to working alongside you and supporting you every step of the way.


Volunteering for 4Kira4Moms means joining a passionate movement to eradicate maternal mortality, especially preventable deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth. By giving your time and energy, you become part of a powerful response team, advocating for systemic changes that save lives. You’ll be helping to raise awareness about the stark disparities in maternal health that disproportionately impact Black mothers and their families

As a volunteer, you’ll contribute to initiatives that push for policy reforms, raise awareness and educate communities, on the importance of maternal health, and support families who have suffered unimaginable losses.

At 4Kira4Moms, every volunteer is a crucial part of the fight to eliminate preventable maternal deaths. Together, we can drive a future where no one loses a loved one due to a lack of support, understanding, or access to proper healthcare.